Recent content by Link

  1. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    Chasing big carp is so rewarding once you get them feeding n the bonus of it all is when the alarms are screaming and the reels are running a thrill one can never explain....
  2. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    Sweet noted
  3. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    Mirror mirror on the wall who's the prettiest of them fish lol Stunning young mirror landed Location : Jackson's 16mm Bollie protein pallet feed with a good tightly packed pva mesh with some added pineapple glug 4kg mirror
  4. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    Another stunner of a common out from Jackson's Date:26 may 2024 Location : Jackson dam Weight :7kg Bait used : fake maize with a 20mm pysco freezer Bollie paired with a d rig in house particle feed Good early morning run :cool:;) Edited: Pic added
  5. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    Admin edit: No advertising
  6. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    Weighed in at 6.5kg
  7. L

    Dam Fishing - South Africa

    CARP FEED DELIGHT Location :Jackson dam Date caught : 25th may 2024 Bait used was a hand full of cooked MAIZE from (Carp Feed Delight) topped with a Bollie and fake maize first fish for the session 15 min after setting up landed this stunning common Mod edit: Added picture.